Rarely are the terms “hilarious-storyteller-
He and his wife of 38 years co-authored a marriage book entitled Men Moved To Mars When Women Started Killing The Ones On Venus and numerous other books. His four children are a constant source of material for him.
Mike is a rescued child from an inner-city mother in trauma, who came to faith through his adopted parents. Years later, Mike and his wife, Terica, went on to rescue/adopt a child from a very similar background. His story will inspire any audience.
In 2010, Mike and his family stepped away from comedy to start a mission (CupsMission.com) that still thrives today, evangelizing, serving trafficked children, and feeding poor people living in a garbage dump. Shortly after they partnered with Jack Eason, expanding the work to Malawi, and Mexico City. Mike often says, “I want to live life more worthy of a statue than a tombstone.” The mission now has six schools, five churches, and fifteen full-time staff members.
Whether it is for a Sunday morning service, an outreach event, Seniors Luncheon, marriage event, mission conference, church-wide date night, or workers banquet, Mike will not disappoint! Get ready to receive a lot of kudos for bringing Mike to your event.
Mike often speaks at Pastor Conferences on the topic of stewardship. His two new Renovate Publishing books, Cultivating A Generous Church, and The Whatever Life Hack, are both proving to be a financial blessing to the local church.